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Jungle Riot : Jungle Riot in Neo-Space

XR Performance, 11.2020

A project showed singer Seo Samuel’s “Jungle Riot” on a XR live performance in three dimensional virtual space. I selected by Korea Creative Contents Agency and made a team called “Neo-Space” to direct the XR performance. I was charge of a visual director including planning a concept, writing a proposal, directing, and 3d scene design(especially a jungle scene), post-production, and presentation. We used the Maya, Kinect Point Cloud, and Unreal Engine to build 3d spaces, and cooperated with a company Giantstep. Cameras was taken at the singer in front of the green screen, and simultaneously the actual singer’s form and the virtual space were combined in real-time using Zero Density. The XR performance was shown online live on 2020 Corea Impact of On:Hallyu Festival, and Contents Impact. 

These days, due to Covid-19, the more people can’t dream freely, the more they are losing their own personalities and colors. Following the song’s meaning, we intend to show the contrast between the city that tries to fit us into a mold and the jungle that is freedom space without boundaries. City scene consists of hard-shaped, cold, dark, and simple, whereas jungle scene is more diverse, free, lively, and peculiar. Singer Samuel Seo lead us to escape from the city, and invite us to the jungle. Therefore, our team hoped viewers could pursue their own dreams and colors by watching this XR performance.


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